Race Info:
GELPRH (pronounced: gel-purh): Those of you that are specialized, this is for you… Those of you that like to dabble in multiple disciplines, this is for you TOO! And those that like to ride old bikes (at least 20 years old) on everything, jump right into the “Clunker” Category and show off your brave souls! There will be a top award for the best clunker bike choice each day.
Gunny Enduro will test your downhill mountain biking skills on the Gunny Loop trail against some of the best in the area. Due to the postpone, the rescheduled Little Park Road Hillclimb will take place 09/17/2016, which will test your climbing prowess against some of the best in the area! You will be awarded each day separately, but those of you that do both, you will be crowned based on the best time combined as MAD King or Queen of The Hill for the year! You may ride different bikes each day to achieve your best times…
- Gunny Enduro = June 18, 2016 (Saturday) @ 8 am.
- Little Park Road Hillclimb = September 17, 2016 (Saturday) @ 8 am.
Race Locations (check out “Directions” for step by step direction to each location):
- Gunny Enduro = Little Park Road Staging Area.
- Little Park Road Hillclimb = Park Mesa Inc Subdivision cul-de-sac (323 Little Park Road).
- Women/Men A: Maddest speed of all.
- Women/Men B: Right in the middle…
- Women/Men C: Just starting out or testing the waters!
- Women/Men JR: If you’re a junior and want to compare with others, this is you!
- Women/Men Clunker: Ride a bike at least 20 years old and show off your brave souls!
Awards: Medals to top 3 in each Category!
Awards Location & Time: TBA.
Schedule & Price:
June 18 2016, Saturday – Gunny Enduro Schedule:
- 6:30 am – 7:30 am: On Site Packet Pickup / course open for inspection.
- 8:00 am: Start races – be cautious during inspection!
- 12:00 pm – Awards @ The Camp (171 Dike Road, Grand Junction, CO 81501)
Time | Category | Gender | Age | Now – May 18 | May 19 – June 16 | June 17 |
8:00:00 AM | Men JR | M | 9-18 | 25 | 35 | 45 |
8:00:00 AM | Women JR | F | 9-18 | 25 | 35 | 45 |
8:30:00 AM | Men C | M | 19+ | 40 | 50 | 60 |
8:30:00 AM | Women C | F | 19+ | 40 | 50 | 60 |
9:00:00 AM | Men | M | 19+ | 40 | 50 | 60 |
9:00:00 AM | Women B | F | 19+ | 40 | 50 | 60 |
9:30:00 AM | Men A | M | 19+ | 40 | 50 | 60 |
9:30:00 AM | Women A | F | 19+ | 40 | 50 | 60 |
10:00:00 AM | Men Clunker | M | 19+ / JR | 40 / 25 | 50 / 35 | 60 / 45 |
10:00:00 AM | Women Clunker | F | 19+ / JR | 40 / 25 | 50 / 35 | 60 / 45 |
Registration includes: Course marking and trail warning for your safety, a chance for some raffle goods at the post-event / awards party, and a swag goodie bag from Family Health West full of energy fuel from Clif Bar, mountain bike mud guard (shown below), and MAD times!
September 17, 2016, Saturday – Little Park Road Hillclimb Schedule:
- 6:30 am – 7:30 am: Packet Pickup @ Start Area.
- 7:50 am – Racer Meeting / Staging.
- 8:00 am – Start all categories (start order as shown below).
- 11:00 am – Awards @ Park Mesa Subdivision Cul-de-sac.
Time | Category | Gender | Age | Now – May 18 | May 19 – Sept 16 | Sept 17 |
8:00:00 AM | Men A | M | 19+ | 40 | 50 | 60 |
8:00:00 AM | Women A | F | 19+ | 40 | 50 | 60 |
8:00:00 AM | Men B | M | 19+ | 40 | 50 | 60 |
8:00:00 AM | Women B | F | 19+ | 40 | 50 | 60 |
8:00:00 AM | Men JR | M | 9-18 | 25 | 35 | 45 |
8:00:00 AM | Women JR | F | 9-18 | 25 | 35 | 45 |
8:00:00 AM | Men C | M | 19+ | 40 | 50 | 60 |
8:00:00 AM | Women C | F | 19+ | 40 | 50 | 60 |
8:00:00 AM | Men Clunker | M | 19+ / JR | 40 / 25 | 50 / 35 | 60 / 45 |
8:00:00 AM | Women Clunker | F | 19+ / JR | 40 / 25 | 50 / 35 | 60 / 45 |
Registration includes: Traffic control from the start to finish for your safety, a chance for some raffle goods at the post-event / awards party, and a swag goodie bag from Family Health West full of energy fuel from Clif Bar, road or cyclocross seat deflector (shown below), and MAD times!
Registration Info: (Click links above to register now!)
Register early to save money and experience a great weekend of racing…
- Gunny Enduro:
- Early Bird Registration (online) ends: May 18, 2016 at 11:59 pm or until field full (100 combined field cap).
- Just In Time Registration (online) ends: June 16, 2016 at 11:59 pm or until field full (100 combined field cap).
- Race Day Registration / Packet Pickup (@ start): June 18 2016, 6:30am – 7:30am or until 30 minutes before your category start; help us give you a great race day experience with smooth race day operations by signing up early!
- Little Park Road Hillclimb:
- Early Bird Registration (online) ends: May 18, 2016 at 11:59 pm or until field full (200 combined field cap).
- Just In Time Registration (online) ends: Sept 16, 2016 at 11:59 pm or until field full (200 combined field cap).
- Race Day Registration (@ start): Sept 17, 2016 6:30 am – 7:30 am; help us give you a great race day experience with smooth race day operations by signing up early!
Refund / Changes Policy:
- No refunds, but we’ll allow entry transfer from one athlete to another for a $20 processing fee.
- Changes, updates, or category switches are allowed for a $10 processing fee.
In case of inclement weather / poor trail conditions:
- Be sure to plan for back-up date of July 2-3, 2016. (EXCEPT FOR RESCHEDULED LITTLE PARK ROAD HILLCLIMB – RAIN OR SHINE!)
- Most races do not provide this; we are driven to make this awesome event happen!
- Entry fees are not transferable to next year if you cannot make the back-up date.
- It is hardly our fault that weather or life happens, so please understand that we don’t grant refunds regardless. You’re welcome to transfer entries for $20 processing fee.
Race Course Information (Strava, PDF, & downloadable GPX files):
This event will not happen without your great help! You will be rewarded with goodies, good warm fuzzy feelings, good delicious food, good times with others, and good MAD smiles. Check out the opportunities listed down below (feel free to sign up for multiple slots)…
Excited already? Well, go ahead and RSVP your spot for each event below:
- 06/02 (Thursday), 8am – 12:00pm:
- What: Course marking for course preview.
- Where: Little Park Road Staging Area (click here for directions from The Camp).
- 06/17 (Friday), 8am – 5:30pm:
- What: Course marking and venue setup; aid Race Director with final event details.
- Where: Little Park Road Staging Area (click here for directions from The Camp).
- 06/18 (Saturday), 6am – 5pm:
- What: Various positions (see details below).
- Parking – ensure organized parking!
- Registration – aid smooth registration operations.
- Concierge – help others find their way and keep food stocked.
- Course Marshals – keep race director and officials in loop of race proceedings. Must be able to operate radios.
- Sweep – close down course and pick up trash, course markings, and celebrate!
- Where:
- Saturday: Little Park Road Staging Area (click here for directions from The Camp).
- Sunday: Little Park Road & Rosevale Road Intersection (click here for directions from The Camp).
- Parking – ensure organized parking!
- Registration – aid smooth registration operations.
- Concierge – help others find their way and keep food stocked.
- Course Marshals – keep race director and officials in loop of race proceedings. Must be able to operate radios.
- Sweep – close down course and pick up trash, course markings, and celebrate!
- What: Various positions (see details below).
- 09/16 (Friday), 5:00pm – 7:00pm:
- What: Course marking and venue setup; aid Race Director with final event details.
- Where: Park Mesa Subdivision (click here for Google Map location).
- 06/18 (Saturday), 6am – 12pm:
- What: Various positions (see details below).
- Parking – ensure organized parking!
- Registration – aid smooth registration operations.
- Concierge – help others find their way and keep food stocked.
- Course Marshals / flagging – keep race director and officials in loop of race proceedings. Must be able to operate radios.
- Sweep – close down course and pick up trash, course markings, and celebrate!
- Where:
- Lower location: Park Mesa Subdivision (click here for Google Map location of Park Mesa Subdivision).
- Upper location: Ribbon Trailhead Parking lot – check in at lower location first! (click here for Google Map location of Ribbon TH).
- What: Various positions (see details below).
Now are you ready? Click link below to sign up for your choice of fun & you’re more than welcome to sign up for more than one slot!
- Gunny Enduro Volunteer Sign Up: http://vols.pt/QMLmpm >>
- Little Park Road Hillclimb Volunteer Sign Up: http://signup.com/go/Po6SLS >>
Camp within a few miles from the race! And chill out right at the awards ceremony… life is bliss!
To reserve: please visit The Camp online (http://thecampgj.com/) or call (970) 209-0854.
If you’re from out of town and need different lodging listed here for the weekend, give me a shout and I’ll see if we can hook you up some camping or lodging nearby! Feel free to scroll through http://www.visitgrandjunction.com/ for some info too.
Steadfast Events will be serving food onsite at the awards area (The Camp @ 171 Dike Road, Grand Junction, CO 81501) so you can hang out, play games, and not miss a beat!
NOTE: All directions start from The Camp.
06/18 – Gunny Enduro:
Head south Dike Road (0.3 mi); Continue on Monument Rd (0.2 mi); Turn left onto D Rd (0.3 mi); D Rd becomes Rosevale Rd (0.9 mi); Turn Right onto Little Park Road (3.0 mi); Turn left into dirt parking lot; You’ve arrived at the Little Park Road Staging Area!
*Just in case, here is a link to directions and a map: Google Directions to Gunny Enduro Start / Staging.
09/17 – Little Park Road Hillclimb:
Head south Dike Road (0.3 mi); Continue on Monument Rd (0.2 mi); Turn left onto D Rd (0.3 mi); D Rd becomes Rosevale Rd (0.9 mi); Turn right onto Little Park Rd (0.1 mi); Enter cul-de-sac on your right.
*Just in case, here is a link to directions and a map: Google Directions to Little Park Road Hillclimb Start / Staging.

BLM Permit # CO- Pending
Special Thank you: This race could not happen without the efforts of the BLM and your public lands. Let\\\’s cooperate and leave it nicer than we found it so we can come back for years to come! All or part of this operation is conducted on public lands under special permit from the US Bureau of Land Management.
See any problems or issues? Please email me and let me know!
MAD Racing donates $2 per participant up to 200 participants. When the event reaches over 200 participants, MAD Racing becomes even more generous, giving an additional $3 per participant! This means your favorite organization has an opportunity to earn up to $5 per participant with enough recruiting and spreading the word!
Gunny Enduro Beneficiary:
Little Park Road Hillclimb Beneficiary:
TBA – let us know if you would like to participate in our beneficiary program!
Race Host:
Proud Bike Support:
TBA – let us know if you would like to participate in our neutral bike support. You’ll get the best views of MAD smiles!