It’s a love story everyone covets–with that feel of endurance, like these two are going to make it to the finish line.
With almost half of all marriages ending in divorce, couples these days need all the mojo they can get, and Garrett Jensen, 30–a MAD Racing Colorado Ambassador–and his amazing wife Carly, 25, fuel their relationship with their love of outdoor sports.
Garrett and Carly Jensen are more than average lovebirds: they have a relationship connection hinging on their love for outdoor sports. I asked them to sit with me for half an hour and spill their secrets, starting with how all the goodness began.
“Well, we met at [SkillsUSA] State Leadership Conference in Golden,” recalls Garrett. (In case you don’t know, which I didn’t, SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industries to promote a skilled workforce.) At the time, Garrett lived in Grand Junction, and Carly was a front ranger, so amongst a forest of conference participants, the two had about as much chance of meeting as an aspen leaf has of ending up in the desert. But Fate will indeed have Her way. Their eyes met, and they struck up a delicious conversation, finding they had a lot in common, especially outdoor sports like fishing, camping, cycling.
Carly picks up the story here. “I asked for his phone number, and when I texted him later, he didn’t text back. I thought, ‘After all that, he doesn’t like me? Does he think I’m just a silly girl?’” As any self-respecting no-nonsense goddess, she got mad for a bit and then determined to move on. The conference chugged along until the last night, when Carly noticed she had been seated just behind him at the rewards dinner. “I refused to speak to him,” she says. “But he turned around and saw me.” Carly explained she’d texted Garrett four times and never heard anything back. “Then we checked the number, and I had written it down wrong!”
That was seven years ago, and I imagine they figured out the phone number thing, because on September 29, they will celebrate their first wedding anniversary.
One of the most important aspects of their special connection is not just their love of the outdoors, but purposefully sharing it together. “It’s super important for couples to be active together, supporting an outdoor lifestyle with each other,” says Carly. “Anyone who spends time outside with [a partner] understands it’s quality time. It’s connecting.”
Garrett agrees. “The epitome of finding out whether you are compatible as a couple is pitching a tent in the wind. You get to test your problem solving skills together, to figure if you’re going to work as a team or pass the blame around when things don’t go as planned.”
Being outside together doesn’t always mean they’re side-by-side; the two have developed some flexibility when it comes to sports one of them enjoys, but the other, not so much. Take cycling. Garrett likes to race MAD Racing Colorado cycling events, but Carly is new to biking and racing isn’t her style (yet?). “I volunteer to help out at those races and cheer Garrett on,” she says. When Carly races, it’s on foot: she enjoys the Just Peachy run, and although Garrett isn’t a big fan of running, he’s a huge fan of supporting Carly. “We’re playfully competitive,” he says. “We want to see each other succeed.”
What’s on the horizon for these two? Their honeymoon. No, not a luxury get-away full of spa treatments and lying around. A little cabin awaits them on Quadra Island in British Columbia where they will enjoy all their favorite things–mountain biking, fishing, and hiking–in the best way they know: together.
What outdoor events do you enjoy with your partner? How does being outside together impact your relationship? Tell us all about it in the comments, below. And be sure to check out the MAD Racing Colorado line-up to find the perfect events for you and your sweetheart to create your own relationship endurance.
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Just Peachy Run Races are a fun part of the Palisade Peach Festival this weekend and include divisions for children, men and women in 1 K Kids, 5K, and 10K distances. Carly attended last year and plans on attending this year… Learn more here.
West Slope Cross Cup takes place in the Western Slope of Colorado with cross country running races starting the day and cyclocross races throughout the rest of the day. Garrett can be seen at these events frequently… Learn more here.
Garrett Jensen is a MAD Racing Colorado Ambassador, which means he loves telling people about upcoming MAD events and sharing his MAD experiences, and MAD Racing Colorado loves rewarding him with great discounts and perks. You can follow Garrett on Instagram here. To learn more about becoming a MAD Racing Ambassador, click here.