- The Races
- Registration
- About the Races
- For Runners
- For Cyclists
- Cycling & Running License Details
- USAC/BRAC Scoring
- West Slope Cross Cup Scoring
- CX Clinics
- Pictures
- Lodging
- Volunteer!
- Kudos
- Refunds/Weather
Oct – Dec
(See individual dates below)
Western Colorado
Map available on site
Now accepting support applications
Think crit on dirt!
(No preview available…
Map available onsite)

Orchards / Gravel / Hills
(No preview available…
Map available onsite)

Grass / Lights / Turns
(Map available onsite)


Oct 27th
Exact Location – TBA
Carbondale, CO
Grass / Hills / Turns
(Map available onsite)

Grass / Forest / Jumps
(Map available onsite)

Grass / Forest / Jumps
(Map available onsite)

Grass / Hills / Turns
(Map available onsite)

Can’t get enough racing this fall?
Check these close by event organizers and see what they’ve got to offer!
– Series Registration –
The CX individual option gets you in 6 races (including Orchard Crit Cross, Orchard Cross, Creepy Cross, Carbondale Cross, Salty Cross Day 1, and Salty Cross Day 2) for total of $195 ($32.50 per bike race). The Run individual option gets you in 4 races (including Orchard Cross, Carbondale Cross, Salty Cross Day 1, and Salty Cross Day 2) at $36 ($9 per run race)! You will also be given the opportunity to vie for the best overall points in your respective category.
NOTE – Rocky Mountain Regionals is not part of this series package, however is still scored as part of WSCC series. You will have to purchase this separately since the prices are different and we will need to collect more specific information for this particular event.
Now go rally up a team of your dreams, whether that’s your whole family, group of friends, co-workers, bike shop team, or running club! Sorry, your dog doesn’t count… nice try though!
** Series sign up deadline: October 23, 2019 @ 11:59 pm (Wednesday before Creepy Cross)! **
– Individual Races Online Registration –
You will save $5 registering online than onsite, so be sure to check back and sign up early to save your spot. We have field limits of 75 per field!
ONLINE / PRE-REGISTRATION (Select red “online registration” links to be directed to the event registration!):
Online registration will be available at dates and times shown below. Number pick-up onsite closes 40 minutes prior to your category start.
10/05/2019: Orchard Crit Cross – Online Registration (open 09/28/19 @ 8pm) >> (available till 10/04 @ 9:00 pm or field full!)
10/06/2019: Orchard Cross – Online Registration (open 09/28/19 @ 8pm) >> (available till 10/05 @ 9:00 pm or field full!)
10/25/2019: Creepy Cross – Online Registration (open 10/14/19 @ 8pm)>> (available till 10/24 @ 9:00 pm or field full!)
10/27/2019: Carbondale Cross – Online Registration (open 10/14/19 @ 8pm)>> (available till 10/26 @ 9:00 pm or field full!)
11/16/2019: Salty Cross #1 – Online Registration (open 11/01/19 @ 8pm)>> (available till 11/15 @ 9:00 pm or field full!)
11/17/2019: Salty Cross #2 – Online Registration (open 11/01/19 @ 8pm)>> (available till 11/16 @ 9:00 pm or field full!)
12/07-08/2019: Rocky Mountain Regionals – Online Registration (open TBA @ 8pm)>> (available till 12/04 @ 9:00 pm or field full!)
- Adults (19+): $35 (pre-reg) / $40 (race day)
- Challenger Athletes: $10 (pre-reg) / $15 (race day)
- Pre J (8&U): Free (pre-reg) / Free (race day)
- Jr’s 9-18: $10 (pre-reg) / $15 (race day)
- 2nd race: $15 (applies to only CX!).
- Adults & Juniors (9 & Over): $10 (pre-reg) / $10 (race day)
- Kid (8 & Under): Free (pre-reg) / Free (race day) – acquire free bib & MUST sign waiver.
About the Races
What is “cyclocross” exactly anyway?
Cyclocross is a very specific type of bike racing. For the most part, the course is off-road but there are sometimes portions of pavement included in the course. You can expect to encounter grass, dirt, mud, gravel, sand, and a whole slew of other assortments and combinations. –Cyclocross Magazine
What about us runners??…
Well… lucky runners AND multi-sport athletes get to run these exact same courses before! Much like a cross country running race, but with more MADness!
Kids under 10 years old will be awarded for 1 lap while everyone else is awarded for 2 laps; you may elect to do only 1 lap, but you won’t be given the chance to podium. These laps can vary from 1.25 miles to 2 miles. Course details will be provided and may vary due to property restrictions and weather.
Here’s a little fun video by Cyclocross Magazine…
For Runners
Available categories and age groups:
- Men Open Run – 2 Laps (Open Men (19-39), Master Men (40-49), Grand Master Men (50-59), Senior Men (60+), Juniors Men 9-18)
- Women Open Run – 2 Laps (Open Women (19-39), Master Women (40-49), Grand Master Women (50-59), Senior Women(60+), Juniors Women 9-14, 15-18)
- Junior Open Run – 1 Lap (Juniors 9-14 and Juniors 15-18)
- MAD Kids Run – 1 Untimed Kids Lap (Boys and Girls 8 & under) –> FREE!
DISCOUNT NOTICE: You get a discount for signing up for a bike race on top of the run race! Just select “Additional Race” and select the appropriate category before you check out…
Start Times at each event:
- 10/05 – Orchard Crit Cross – NO RUN (cycling only)
- 10/06 – Orchard Cross – 9:00am
- 10/25 – Creepy Cross – NO RUN –> come next day to participate in Holy Family’s Spooktacular Run!
- 10/ 27 – Carbondale Cross – 9:00am
- 11/24 – Salty Cross #1 – 9:00am
- 11/25 – Salty Cross #2 – 9:00am
- 12/07 – Rocky Mountain Regionals – NO RUN (cycling only)
- 12/08 – Rocky Mountain Regionals – NO RUN (cycling only)
Please check out “The Races” tab for detailed flyers found in the event logo.
Lap Distance:
Each event will be approximately 1.5 miles each lap, depending on the technicality of the terrain and property permissions, getting as close to 5k as we can. Course maps will be made available 1 week before the event and the course may be tweaked closer to event time for the best experience possible. Please stay flexible and enjoy the ride/run!
For Cyclists
Available categories and age groups:
Since we’re not yet big enough to accommodate each separate category race, we are grouping them together. Each highlighted row means they start the same time, with exception for the Kids Bike (red letters) which they have their own race! MAD Category is for Western Slope Cross Cup scoring and race start grouping and USAC Category is scoring for USAC and BRAC.
Please check out the table below to see where you fit the best. Select your USAC Category first then you know which cyclocross group you will be starting with and be scored in for the Western Slope Cross Cup. You are welcome to race more than once as long you are racing either in your category or racing up. There’s absolutely no racing down! For exact starting time, please check out the flyers in “The Races” tab.
DISCOUNT NOTICE: You get a discount for signing up for another bike race and/or run race too, just select “Additional Race” and select the appropriate category before you check out…
Cycling & Running License Details
USAC License Required:
- 1-Day Licenses:
- USAC 1-Day Beginner license: $10, only for Cat 5 men, Cat 4 women, and Jrs who have never held a USAC.
- Cat 4 men and Cat 3 women and above, USAC 1-Day license: $25.
- Can only be purchased online at www.usacycling.org/events/?state=CO select appropriate event, then click on Purchase One-Day License. Bring receipt to race. Annual licenses available online at: www.usacycling.org.
- Annual Licenses:
- Adult Domestic $70.
- Junior Domestic (18 and younger on 12/31/2016) $35.
- Collegiate $45.
- For more annual license options and details, please visit USAC Schedule of Fees >>
- 1-Day membership: $5; available onsite (BRAC 1-day membership exempt with USAC 1-day or out of state USAC license holder).
- Annual membership: (RECOMMENDED to avoid $5 onsite fee!)
- Regular membership: $25.
- Youth / Junior membership: $15.
- BRAC annual memberships available online at www.coloradocycling.org >>
BRAC annual membership is required to obtain points for CO Cross Cup competitions. If racing without BRAC license, no points will be reported.
*USATF – Running Licenses & Waiver details*
- NO licenses required to run!
- USAC Waiver – must be signed by all racers or parent/guardian for anyone 18&U.
*Western Slope Cross Cup*
No licenses required for WSCC Points Overall for both sports in respective MAD Racing Colorado Categories. Best of 5 out of 7 will be awarded.
- USAC License required, AND…
- BRAC annual membership is required to obtain points for CO Cross Cup competitions. If racing without BRAC license, no points will be reported.
- BRAC / USAC Tracking points:
You will be able to track yourpoints throughout the season. To see them, click on the links below:
USAC: http://www.usacycling.org/events/rr.php
BRAC: https://www.coloradocycling.org/points/bcr
- NO licenses required to run!
- No USATF results posted – only Urban Tread Adventures scoring will be applied!
West Slope Cross Cup Scoring
West Slope Cross Cup Team Scoring: *NO BRAC LICENSES REQUIRED!*

2015 UTA Series Team Winners
Both the run and cyclocross sports will be scored separately. Top team of each sport will be recognized and the winning teams will hold onto their traveling trophies with their team names engraved (shown to the right). However, your individual efforts will still be scored toward the overall series. This means you will get a chance to win 2 bragging rights, one as a team and one as an individual!
Best of 4 out of 5 rider daily scores will be used at each race in case one of your teammates cannot make the race. If 5 of you elect to race, only top 4 will be taken into account. No races will be dropped from the overall team series, unlike the individual overall series.
West Cross Cup Individual Scoring: *NO BRAC LICENSES REQUIRED!*
To participate in the series, you must have participated in a minimum of 5 cyclocross races or 3 running races. The more races you participate, the better chance you have at winning the overall series points in your MAD category / age group for a chance at taking home a cycling jersey / running shirt (see below)! This applies to the running sports as well. You will be allowed to drop one running race / two cyclocross races, so the top 4 run or top 5 cyclocross race points will be taken into account. This way you will be allowed one bad day, no-show day, sick day, hooky day, or whatever excuse card you want to play.
–> NEW WSCC running rule in 2019: For every cross race you participate in, you’ll get additional 20 points added to your run score for the day of the race, bumping your chances of winning the series!
–> NEW WSCC cycling rule in 2019: For every running race you participate in, you’ll get additional 20 points added to your cyclocross score for the day of the race, bumping your chances of winning the series!
–> NEW WSCC cycling rule in 2019: Rocky Mountain Regionals = 2x standard points!

Overall Series Runner Shirt

Overall Series Cycling Jersey
West Slope Cross Cup Tracking series points:
You will be able to track your series points throughout the season right at the results page. To go there, click on the Results Button below:
CX Clinics
About Klishy Cyclocross Clinics:
This 8 week clinic/hot lap nights is targeted toward all levels from beginner to advanced cross racers!* Participants will learn about the proper equipment, techniques, race tactics, and make new friends during these clinics. Dates are below…
*Note: Riders can use a mountain bike. Cyclocross bikes are not necessary for participation.
$10 per clinic – Includes instruction on equipment, technique and tactics.
Clinic dates & details:
- Weeks 1-4: 6:00pm till 7:30pm or dark.
- Weeks 5-8: 5:30pm till 7:00pm or dark.
2019 Scheduled dates (NOTICE – day of week for 2019 clinics & hot laps nights now takes place on Wednesday evenings!):
- 09/11: Cyclocross 101 – Duck Pond, Grand Junction, CO (Google Maps)
- 09/18: Hot Laps Night #1 – Duck Pond, Grand Junction, CO (Google Maps)
- 09/25: Cyclocross 201 – Duck Pond, Grand Junction, CO (Google Maps)
- 10/02: Hot Laps Night #2 – Duck Pond, Grand Junction, CO (Google Maps)
- 10/09: Advanced Cyclocross 1 – Duck Pond, Grand Junction, CO (Google Maps)
- 10/16: Hot Laps Night #3 – Duck Pond, Grand Junction, CO (Google Maps)
- 10/23: Advanced Cyclocross 2 – Duck Pond, Grand Junction, CO (Google Maps)
- 10/30: Hot Laps Night #4 – Duck Pond, Grand Junction, CO (Google Maps)
- 10/31 – 12/10: Available upon request.
Stay tuned by following us on MAD Racing Facebook or West Slope Cross Cup Facebook.
To Register for CX Clinics:
- Online: https://klishycrossclinics.itsyourrace.com//register
- Day of: Please arrive 15 minutes early to sign your waivers and make your payments.
- Payments: Digital (
), cash, and checks accepted!
- Custom: Want your own clinic night, training plan, or private session? Send me an email!
About Klishy (John Klish):
John Klish is an American professional bike racer who specializes in Cyclocross, Mountain Bike, and Road racing. He is a Gold Deaflympian and is consistently one of the top Cyclocross and Mountain Bike racers in Colorado. When he is not racing bikes, he’s out enjoying the rivers and snow – he teaches how to play in those elements as well so he is a very passionate and skilled teacher.
Klishy currently lives in Grand Junction, Colorado and is the owner of Mountain and Desert (MAD) Racing, hosting sport events and providing event services ranging from event management to timing services.
Advanced Cyclocross 1
We’ll use the basic skills learned from the first couple of weeks to advance our cyclocross and riding skills!
- Review fundamental techniques.
- Faster and smoother dismount and remount.
- Advanced portaging and running techniques.
- Obstacles, barriers, stairs, sand pits, etc.
- Racing strategies.
Bike Handling 1:
Often overlooked in training, bike handling is one of the most important elements in cyclocross racing. A typical cross course may have 50 corners per lap, so imagine if you could gain a quarter second in every corner… Topics include:
- Body position.
- Cornering.
- Shifting and braking.
- Smooth and fast transitions.
- Sand pits, off-cambers, steep drops, and sketchy turns.
- Challenging conditions: mud, snow, loose gravel, etc.
Check for your pictures along with your results on ITSYOURRACE…
Camp within a couple of miles from Grand Junction… life is bliss!
To reserve: please visit The Camp online (http://thecampgj.com/) or call (970) 209-0854.
Thanks for staying with us in GJ – we are proud of where we live and we’re honored you love where we live too!
For general information about GJ and more lodging options, click here.
Generic Volunteer Opportunities:
- Day before the event:
- What: Course marking and venue setup; aid Race Director with final event details.
- Day of the event:
- What: Various positions (see details below).
- Parking – ensure organized parking!
- Registration – aid smooth registration operations.
- Concierge – help others find their way and keep food stocked.
- Course Marshals – keep race director and officials in loop of race proceedings. Must be able to operate radios.
- Sweep – close down course and pick up trash, course markings, and celebrate!
- What: Various positions (see details below).
Now are you MAD?! Click on the button below to sign up for your choice of MADness & you’re more than welcome to sign up for more than one slot!
Click Here to Visit the Volunteer Page!Kudos

Our primary medical supporters are proud to be present at each one of the races this fall! Be sure to give them gratitude for being there in case of emergencies. KUDOS!
Q: Where do I register for an individual race?
A: Please select “Races” above and click on the event logo to be directed to the day of the event details page. It has both the series registration and individual registration links available at the top of the page.
Q: Is this a duathlon series?
A: No, you cycle or run. These are two separate races taking place on the same day!
Q: Can I do both the cycling and run events?
A: ABSOLUTELY! You’re welcome to be as MAD as you wish to be… There will be about 15 minutes between the last cycling category and the run start, so you have time to squeeze in some “cross” training!
Q: How do I sign up for both events?
A: You have 3 options:
♦ Series: Register each sport individually or as a team.
♦ Single Event – Online: Register for any race; click on “Additional races” before checking out.
♦ Single Event – Day of: Register for any race; select “Additional race” on the form
What about if I sign up for both sport series and I want to do another race?
A: Let us know and we’ll honor the online registration rate at the day of the event.
Q: Cyclocross…does that mean I need a $10,000 bike?!?
A: You do NOT need a $10,000 bike!! In Fact, MAD Racing encourages all types of bikes, Mountain Bike, Single Speed, or anything that has TREADS!! One rule: Bar ends are not allowed!
Q: But what if I don’t want to get off an carry my bike?
A: We have alternative routes available for those who do not want to dismount or have other reasons not to pick up their bikes. The alternative route will be slightly longer than the direct route with obstacles to maintain a challenge for those seeking a true cyclocross/steeple chase style course. MAD Racing wants you to come and play with us one way or the other… That’s what makes our events unique!
Q: Can I wear costumes?
A: Please get as MAD as you want! MAD Racing encourages you to wear costumes and have fun with it, as long it does not cause harm to your bike… I mean to others around you – like long pieces of fabric that can get caught in derailleurs or wheels and launch your competitors into the air, or trip your competitor face flat into the mud. That’s not a race tactic. If you do cause harm, that’s on your plate. Otherwise, have at it!
Q: Do we have rules?
A: You betcha! They are:
♦ Multiple races: If you participate in multiple races and you place top 20% in the higher category, you will not be awarded prizes from the lower category you participated in. For instance, you place 4th in Cat B out of 20 racers and you won Cat C. That’s called sandbagging; we need to recognize and empower those that came out to try their hand at the sport. Please consider doing Cat B and Cat A. Otherwise, pull on your running shoes and get the rest of that energy out later on! At least you got another race in and we’re honored that you love our races!
♦ Handlebar additions: No bar ends or mirrors on bars are allowed – they are hazardous. Please remove before the event. Click here to see what bar ends are.
♦ Smile MAD: We’ve got cameras all over the courses, so show off your smiles and have a great time!
Refund / Changes Policy:
- No refunds, but we’ll allow entry transfer from one athlete to another for a $20 processing fee.
- Changes, updates, or category switches are allowed for a $10 processing fee.
In case of inclement weather:
- Most of the time, the race goes on…
- If anything is drastic, such as poor trail conditions, tornadoes, lightning, we will notify you the status via email and Facebook.
- You need to like us on Facebook: Take me to MAD Racing’s Facebook page.
- You need to get our emails: Subscribe me to MAD Racing’s emails now.
- We strive to postpone rather than cancel. The new date will be posted within the week.
- If we do cancel, we will allow credit toward the next event, up to one year!
- Most races do not provide this; MAD Racing is driven to make this awesome event happen!
- Refunds? Sorry, no refunds…
- The weather is beyond the control of MAD Racing. Please understand all of the preparation and permitting involved to host an event and if possible to reschedule for your participation.
- Your investment and support is appreciated for future events!